Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Weekly Wrap Six

It's kind of says something that this blog's been rolling for two and a half months at this point and I've only done six of these things. I'm not very good at following through on things, in case you haven't noticed. In my defense, my weekends are pretty busy and the last few have been hectic but, you know, even if this was Wednesday Wrap-up or Monday Morning Quarterblogging, I'd probably still have skipped a few here and there.

Still, even though I've been busy and trying to race forward, I want to take the time to look back every now and again. I don't want to get unmoored, after all, so even though it's a pain to lurch forward and back and spin around and do it all over again, it's what I want to do.

So, we've got a lot to cover since I've been neglect in covering things. Blogger tells me I have over 300 posts now which is more than a lot of blogs will make in a year – some of those are drafts and notes to myself as I move from machine to machine but by my count only 25 or so. Which means I'm averaging nearly 100 posts a month. My posting average's gone down lately but I've been busy and I was expecting that – I've been making longer and more complicated posts when I do make them, though, so I think my output's been holding steady. Picked up another link which means I only need one more in the coming weeks to get the magic three that means I'm an established, veteran, moderately successful blog (The benefits of living on the long tail, it's really easy to move up a notch or three.) – well ahead of the average time it takes for such things.

This month has been about Guild Wars and...precious little else. Which, on the one hand I worry about because it means I've been suckered in by the siren song once again. But, on the other hand, this blog's about nothing so much as whatever I happen to be interested in at the time. In November I was interested in writing (And, you know, starting this blog and all) so that's what I thought about and that's what bubbled to the surface. Lately, I've been playing a lot of Guild Wars so that's what I've naturally been working on. Next month it could well be something different.

And, in fact, I'm hoping it will be. I'm getting a bit burnt out on Guild Wars, truth be told. Once I finish off the campaign with my latest character, I'm probably going to give it a rest. I have a few other games that have been collecting dust the holidays that I want to try out and there's plenty of demos that I want to sample although I'm going to see if I can stop short of completely quiting the game again. That's the beauty of not having a monthly fee, though. I can play a little or a lot, it's up to me. If I want to just drop in for an hour a day to run a quest or romp around the Arena, that's cool. And if I want to spend all day trying to get through the last several missions, hey, it's all good. I'm not bound to play if I don't want to - my costs have already been sunk and, logically, I'm free to quit or re-up if I don't like how my investment's turning out. So, if I want to play a different game for a while, I can. We'll have to see how that goes, though.

In the meantime, though, as somoene once said, “there's a lot of text” about Guild Wars to wade through. It's all under the Guild Wars tag - conveniently listed at the bottom of every post and on the right hand side of the page, just click on it and you'll bring up all the posts with that tag so you can look over them.

  • The continuing adventures of my trip through the expansion's campaigncan be found in my Nightfall Progress updates. It holds the distinction of being this blog's longest running feature although I've scaled back on the scope of it somewhat – originally I tried to detail everything. Which, you know, no one cares and it takes a lot of time and effort.
  • One of the reasons I skipped out on the weekly wraps is I was caught up in the PvP Test Weekend. You can find my feedback on the issue here, here, and here. And in some other places, too, but those would be the big ones.
  • Another series I've started is Tales from Observer Mode. Basically, if I find something interesting on the GW TV, I'm going to post it up. An infrequent feature but it could be interesting.
  • Amazingly, I did find some time to write about things that weren't related to Guild Wars at all. Sadly, not much 'd recommend. The strongest efforts I think you'll find in my take on the whole linkblogging meme.

All in all, I think it's been a pretty solid couple of week's. I might not have gotten as much writing or blogging done as I might have liked but, then, I'm just getting started here.


Clamatius said...

Hmm... what was the game called again? Oh, right, Guild Wars. Did you do that bit yet? Y'know, the warring of guilds thing?

I don't think so and maybe that's why you're burning out on the game - you're not playing the actual game part. I have to say I was in the same boat before I signed up with XoO and then the GvG action really got me going again.

Now, you may be avoiding having fun simply because you're worried that it will completely drain your soul. Which, admittedly, it completely valid - but also a much better reason than citing burnout.

Sausaletus Rex said...

Geez, everyone panics when I say I'm thinking about taking some time off from the game. Probably because the last few times I've done so it's been a break measured in months rather than days.

Relax, my soul went down the vortex the fateful day I followed some link blindly and downloaded that little 68k client. I'm past the event horizon and there's no way I'm ever going to pull out - my orbit's just going into an odd period, that's all.

Really, I'm in a weird space at the moment. This is the problem with me - I've seen what it's like on a very good guild with very good players but I'm no where near skilled enough to be on such a guild at this point. And getting back there would take a lot of time and effort that I'm not really sure I should be expending in the first place (Plenty of people I've known involved in this game have gone on to success - financially and otherwise - but, really, it's brought me nothing but pain and missed opportunities. After a certain point, I need to eat, you know, and playing this game hasn't done that. I love it and all but in the kind of harsh analysis I'm having to make at the moment until it starts putting food on the table I can't devote my life to it.) and that's going to involve playing with...lesser skilled teams and a lot of aggravation as I relearn how to play and learn if I even still can. Having seen what a good team is that's incredibly frustrating for me - I want to get to the end result without having to go through all the effort of getting there.

That's, you know, not going to happen and not how I'd like to feel but it is what I've experienced every time I've tried to come back (It probably took my NaNo novel for me to be able to admit this, if only to myself, of course.). But the prospect of finding a guild to play with, getting to know people and how they like to play and how we fit together, suffering through guild drama, sitting around in forums and vent and chat discussing the basics (Instead of the complicated stuff I can't even fathom at the moment), piecing together builds, waiting around until people log in to play, scheduling things so that I'll be able to show up for as many matches as I possibly can, and just practicing, practicing, practicing for months on end as my interest slowly wanes and my frustration slowly builds until I finally just give up and stop playing one day by giving myself any excuse I can find to stay away - well, that doesn't exactly fill me with excitement. The details are different but that's pretty much the story of every time I've danced this dance.

So, I'm at a crisis point of sorts - I'm not burnt out as of right now but I can sense the warning signs. I'm either going to quit playing because I can't hack it. Or I'm going to take a break, clear my head, get some other stuff done, and come back refreshed only to flame out. Or I'm actually a different person and the story is going to be different this spin of the wheel. I haven't decided which path I'm walking down yet.

But I know I want to try some other things and it's time to scale back - take my time, see what my options are, and relax and all. After all, I'm getting all flowery and wordsmithy about defending my decision not to play as much - that's not a good sign.