Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Link Bloggy Returns! Today...I Shall Be a Warrior

Like this blog it's all Guild Wars, all the time!

The evasion mechanic was taken out of the game during the test weekend. This was supposedly a permanent change but one that was reverted (Along with EVERYTHING ELSE!!! Not that I'm still bitter or anything.) when the weekend was over. At the time the change was made I said in effect, “shame to see it go, but, yeah, I think it's for the best.” And at the time it was unmade I was puzzled. Then, of course, I poked around and found threads like this one. Signal to noise ration approaching the infinitesimal there.

And, yet, that represents the vast majority of players who are going to be giving feedback. I hope the developers have a way of weeding these things out but, me, I find it difficult because, you know, I try and do the reasonable thing and give everyone's opinion fair consideration – wisdom is everywhere, after all, seek it and you'll never know where you'll find it (This is probably a large reason why you'd have to pay me to get me involved in staffing another forum again. I micromanage - I'm the sort who just has to check every thread and read every post, I'm constitutionally unable to live with not knowing something. I suspect that's what, I hope, makes me a good moderator but it's also what drives me insane while I'm doing it. Sorry, Guru gets me all introspective as I try and figure out what went wrong with me.). Because, of course, the vast majority of people have absolutely no idea what they're talking about when it comes to the game but given a stage and a microphone they're happy to play armchair designers (Hi! Nice to meet you!). Most of them hardly even consider it in terms of systemic design. I, you know, try to which is why I'm not too broken up by evasion being removed. It's a mechanic, nothing more, and the only reason to keep it around is if it improves the game more than having it creates trouble. Whatever flavor reasons exist (like skill names and such) can be slapped on later. What really matters is what it does for the game's ruleset. Maybe having been a tester and seeing what happens when things really change quickly has made me unsentimental when it comes to mechanics or dropping in and out of the game has desensitized me to radical alterations but there it is.

If you ask me, evasion has nice flavor and it potentially adds a lot to the rules. Unfortunately, the design spaces evasion opened weren't being exploited. There was a bit of an attempt with old skills like Irresistible Blow or Griffon's Sweep to create some separation but, for the most part, the idea that there were two ways to avoid a blow that each had their own distinct identity had been abandoned. And “evade” was just another way of saying “block”. Not a particularly useful way thanks to skills that ignored both. And not a particularly interesting way because there weren't skills taking advantage of the distinction. In the interests of simplifying a complex game, I say throw it right back out. Yeah, some skills are going to have to be tweaked and maybe even renamed but it's for the best. Really. I could explain why but, you know, I have in the past and I've got better things to do. The people who really need to hear it wouldn't understand, anyway.

That might make me sound elitist. Like I'm some kind of PvP snob (Sorry, I'm just a plain old asshole.). That, you know, I believe there's a vast pool of average people who just aren't skilled or intelligent enough to understand. And, certainly, that's the sort of thinking that can lead to the ivory tower. I don't think so, though, because rather than saying this is a bad thing – that these people need to be shepherded, protected, from themselves – I think it's a good thing. That vast and thundering herd of newbs has just as much right to an opinion – and, of course, to having other people take their opinion seriously - as anyone else. And to have a say in things as well. It's the job of the so-called experts to translate their knowledge and bring it to the ears of those masses. Not to cloister themselves away and pat themselves on the back for their superior understanding. It's their responsibility to give everyone else the helping hand up not to push them back down. Chuck, as usual – the bastard – gets it right.

By the way, Chuckles has said I'm the only one who busts his chops so hard (I kid because I'm filled with burning hatred. And assault's still illegal.). I'd like to think I've earned the right. Really, people, he's not going to learn unless you argue with him. Thing is, you'll probably learn something, too. He's a dick that way.

Interesting that we're both hitting on Soul Reaping, though, isn't it? It's not like we've ever stooped to co-ordinating our efforts in the past or anything. Not once. Actually, this time it's just a coincidence - Soul Reaping's and things like Bloodspike have been bothering me for a while and I just figured out how to express it. Honest.

Speaking of leadership, indulge me if you will while I talk about one of my old guild leaders. You know, I'm proud to say that I've been in a guild with Adam Sunstrom once upon a time. He's one of the people in the community that I really respect (Not just, you know, like) because his burning desire makes my enthusiasm for the game look like a match next to a bonfire. Ran one hell of a Warrior, too. It's a good feeling to know that he's still around and still taking the time to encourage others. Not just to play the game but to get better at it. Awesome guy and his latest State of the Game article for the official Guild Wars site is, likewise, awe inspiring. If you're interested in Guild Wars PvP on any level check it out. I don't care how leet you think you are (or aren't) – read it, learn it, and love it.

You know, I want a little bio like Adam has at the bottom of all those articles. Something like... “Sausaletus Rex has been playing Guild Wars on and off since May 2004 when he participated in the E3 For Everyone preview event. Mostly off. He spends most of his time not playing the game and wishing he was. He's been a member in poor standing of many fine fansites and guilds most of which have gone on to great success after he left them. Now and forever, he remains king of the scrubs. Long live the king, baby!”

Have to disagree with the UI remapping, though. I like Q and E as they are by default – straffing keys that help you to maneuver as you move. I've remapped 6,7,8 to the R,F,and V keys and 5 to the Caps Lock. Almost as easy to reach while keeping the movement scheme I'm accustomed to. Depends on what kind of character I'm playing, of course, but I really do try and put some time into coming up with an effective interface. Helps immensely.

Really, if the game had UI templates that you could swap in and out like the skill and equipment templates I'd be a happy person.

Speaking of templates this article on the official site makes me see blood. I'm not going to give up on stringing out a post on that one just yet but the gist? Skill templates are nice and all but I want a way of being able to trade them in the damn game. Nine freaking steps! Shouldn't be longer than – Step 1: Have someone give you a skill template. Step 2: Click on it/Accept it/Make offerings to our dark pagan god! (Ignore that last one). Step 3: Open up your template list and load it up. Just needlessly complicated like so much else in the game.

Are you impressed I didn't say fuck there? I'm not.


Clamatius said...

I turn with the mouse, so A and D are strafe for me just like they are in a shooter. Q and E are then my quick-hit skills (slots 6 and 7, since 8 is invariably res sig), stuff like interrupts or a switch stance for Frenzy.

Burning hatred, huh? Presumably tongue-in-cheek or e-drama, with the former being more likely. I don't know Mr. Ensign personally but he sure does write a good analysis article.

Templates: yeah. 2 things. 1 - send template option please. But more importantly, 2 - save all the damn weapon slots. I don't care if it screws up your inventory, just pop up a dialog saying "too much crap in inventory" if it's full. Or something. The whole point of templates is so you don't make your teammates wait forever with you clicking around on the PvP creation stuff - and right now they still do. I also felt like I needed a stick to bite on to make it through that article.

Sausaletus Rex said...

interface stuff

Yeah, I went ahead and described it earlier but I tend to switch around a lot. My basic idea, though, is to have the WASD and movement controls central and ring them with the skill buttons and other crucial functions like "target nearest" or "cancel action". If there were UI templates, I'd customize one for Ranger and Warrior and Monk and whatever other roles I like to play but since there isn't I have one scheme that I have to apply to all my different needs.

Most of the time, I play with the mouse and keyboard, too - the mouse is, generally speaking, better for moving around (It's also, as you probably know, strictly superior in terms of quickly dodging someone. It's the old happy dance that's been around forever but it still works.) but I like to have those turning keys (I don't know why I thought they were straffing, I'll have to change that) there for when I'm controlling things by keyboard, too.

Movement is one of those really important functions and I want it to be as fluid and as instinctive as possible. Central to any character. So I pretty much just leave it alone (With the exception of mapping some of the camera functions that are, by default, not enabled) to handy keys.

Like you, though, I put some thought into where my skills go and how I'm going to get to them. It's generally R and F (which are mapped to 6 and 7) that are my quick hits - Frenzy and a toggle, for example. With the 2 and 3 keys are the ones I put the skills I find myself activating most to cause something rather than react to something. V or 8 is generally my self-heal or something defensive. I try and center my mouse around that area of my skill bar, too, so I can easily reach those skills by clicking them if need be. Not the rezsig, though, that goes in slot #5 which I find to be the hardest to reach quickly - relatively speaking, of course. When I'm not using one whatever's my "Stop Everything and Rage all over this Button!" skill - the one I don't use as much but is going to be crucial when I do, is the one that goes there.

I just got a new mouse, too, one with a load of buttons, I need to figure out how best to use them while I'm gaming - probably going to be camera stuff since that's what I find the most useful for doing with the mouse.

Burning hatred, huh?

Haha. I forget that not everyone's probably as familiar with the history of these things as I am. Or, you know, cares.

No, tongue firmly in cheek there. Chuck and I are, I'd like to think, friends - met on the TGH boards in the long interval between E34E and the first of the BWEs, put together guilds and sites to one degree or another with each other's help, that sort of thing. Probably not as close as we once were but at one point we were pretty much sympatico. He's got his own deal and I've got mine now and I don't like to bother him but we still talk from time to time and all.

The line I'm paraphrasing there is "I kid because I love." The more I like people the more likely I am to just flame them uncontrollably. It's when I'm being insufferably polite that you should worry about how I feel about you.

save all the damn weapon slots.

Send templates I'm in wholehearted agreement on. But I have to disagree here slightly. The equipment templates aren't working as well as they could but I'd rather have the saving of armor and items be handled separately. At least potentially. I like to mix and match - which is how I kludge it now (Load up my weapons, take them out of the hands, load up the armor, and then fix my slots) - and being able to save one slot without the armor or the armor without the slot would help me out. Of course, I'd also like the option to save all the armor and slots in one fell swoop, too. It's really about having more options and customization there rather than the one-size fits all approach they have now. Works for skills but not so much for the equipment.