Thursday, March 1, 2007

Someone's Got the Jitters

Today was a lazy, rainy day. Well, freezing rain. But, you know, I didn't feel like getting much done in the lull between last night's math test and tonight's tourney match (I think. Again, we're having scheduling issues. Then again, who isn't?) and just took it easy. Caught up on some reading (Did some digging into this whole Korean thing for example. Which, you know, history judges.), did some cooking, and just mellowed out. That sort of thing.

But that time is drawing to a close as the match is looming. I realized today that, unlike the first time, last round I didn't go through any sort of pre-game ritual. No angry music. No meditation. No chest thumping alpha malery. Nothing. I just logged in and ran a few matches in RA to get the blood flowing. And, obviously, that didn't work. So, it's time to get up and get in the groove. I'm feeling cautiously optimistic about this round. Despite all the quote unquote drama and tension in the air, my team's been steadily improving. We had a solid run last night (3 straight games that went to the Lords walking out.) but it's the little things, the way people are getting comfortable with each other and their roles and everything that gives me some hope that the OoX might have a chance.

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