Thursday, March 8, 2007

Celestial Tournament: Fifth Round Pairings Released

Matches are out. Found them through TGH here. And they're up at the official site.

And, well, I just knew that having two forfeits inflatin our record was going to hurt. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Reign of Xen [XoO] 2-2, 6 points (Region: America) challenges So Baeeeeeeeeeeeeed Its [epic] 2-2, 6 points (Region: America)

[epic] is currently ranked 66th. RoX is in for a rough match, I think. Haven't heard the official word but I think they won their last match by default as well.

Xen of Onslaught [XoO] 2-2, 6 points (Region: America) challenges Ten Swords Lorden [TSL] 2-2, 6 points (Region: Asia)

The Mothership thought they had a no-show win as well but turns out there was some sort of mix-up or they didn't give enough options to the other team or whatever and it was ruled they were the ones that forfeited. In any event this looks like it could be a pretty interesting match. Although, Lorden is a Japanese guild and that means at least the first match will be fought on their servers where, apparently, the lag is something fierce. Scheduling could also be a problem here but, for once, its the American team that's going to be on the wrong side of that.

Just a Minor Threat [Meh] 3-1, 9 points (Region: America) challenges Onslaught of Xen [XoO] 3-1, 9 points (Region: America)

OoX vaulted into the lead in the XoO circuit with 9 points. But, again, we've only played twice and gone 1-1 in those matches. Just a Minor Threat is hovering around the top 100. They've likewise lost once, to the Black Emperors in the second round. Anyway, we were expecting to get crushed last round and it's no different this time around. The only change is that since this is another American region guild we might actually get to play. I don't expect much from the actual match, though,as we'll likely be crushed in short order and there's really not much insight to gain from such matches except "We need to get a lot better." And we already know that, so, I think our opponent's tag sums up my feelings about this round rather well. We won't even be able to run something gimmicky like Rit spike in the hopes of getting a win on shock value.

I don't know. 5 rounds in, 3 rounds to go and we haven't had a real good match in the tournament yet. Just one nubstomp, one set of matches where we were missing some regulars and got rolled by a damn henchie team, two no-shows and now it looks like we're in for another crushing defeat. If we're counting only the tournament I don't think that's good experience for anything, really. With only three rounds to go, there's not many games left where we'll be pushed down into the lower brackets where we really should be to make up for those 6 unearned points. So, next round we might not get Stylish Crew or something but we'll probably have another tough opponent. Really, if this keeps up I don't know why I should bother.


Clamatius said...

While the actual tournament games have sucked, a lot of the practice games were actually pretty good.

You've got to admit that the tournament did get people to show up more. We haven't been drafting quite as many people from the main division.

Sausaletus Rex said...

While the actual tournament games have sucked, a lot of the practice games were actually pretty good.

Yes, but after a certain point practice doesn't matter if you're not getting it done. The ladder is a different beast than the tournament and we're currently struggling to get together for practices, even (Missed the last two Fridays which should be prime time for trying things out.). But it's like saying "Oh well, we didn't do so good in the TA but at least we rolled things up syncing in RA." It's true but it shouldn't feel good.

You've got to admit that the tournament did get people to show up more.

Oh, absolutely. The tournament's been good for our guild and for the community in general. Lots more activity and interest. I'm just upset I'm not doing better personally.

We haven't been drafting quite as many people from the main division.

Well, the last few times we have although when you said that it was correct - more often it's OoX diehards being called up by the Mothership. In any event, I think that's actually one of the problems with the whole XoO crew. It's too incestuous. While it's understandable with such a large alliance, the impulse when you don't have enough is to look within that alliance rather than outside of it. We don't tend to guest people who aren't in XoO and, I think, that's a problem because we miss out not only on playing with trusted, proven people but also on their outside perspective on our builds and tactics.