Monday, December 4, 2006

Weekend Wrap Two

Well, the little numbers on the right tell me that I’ve just made my 100th post. I think that’s as good a sign as any that I need to call it a night. But first, the week that was.

Since I missed the week in review last time around thanks to the holidays and my insane dash toward 50k – which worked out very well, thanks very much – I’m going to go ahead and include the past two weeks here.

Anyhow as opposed to the last time I took a moment to look around at the little house of words I’ve built from the either I’m feeling pretty good about things today. Blog’s still stuck at rank 1.48 million something at Technorati (It’s all thanks to Kevin and that one little pity link. Thanks again.) but, well, I’m drawing all sorts of profits – several more comments, for instance - so even though the graph wouldn’t show it this place seems like it’s taking off to me. Links and the associated ranking will come in due time. Of what I can control, my content, I’m doing alright, I think. I’ve made 100 posts in just over three weeks, that’s an average of 4.75 a day, which is pretty good considering I all but closed up shop for the holidays and to finish off my novel. And the text of those posts is another good sign, too, as they’re much more than a simple link or two and how my cat’s feeling, so to speak. I don’t aim to post a lot, really, just about to find something that interests me and wrap it into at least a medium quality post before I hit the submit button. That I can do that 4 times a day (Not counting my daily review in the total) and in the sort of detail and precision that I’ve heard I’m known for speaks volumes, I think. Once I actually figure this blogging thing out I’m going to be well equipped to take advantage, I think, so I’m sitting pretty.

As for actual content I’ve been sorely remiss in taking care of my blog, I know. I updated my blog roll with several new links today for the first time in far too many days. As is my custom, I’ll be adding more detailed information about each site I link to (I intend to include a permalink to every site I make a point of mentioning, really. If other bloggers are anything like me links are mana from heaven. They’re what the internets run on, after all. So, a tip to all the young bloggers and cybernauts out there. Link. Link early and often and your investment will be returned someway, someday.) in my Honor Roll File. Because there’s really not enough space to properly pay tribute to those fine sites in the space provided to your right. As the thing grows I think I’ll have to look into separating it into some kind of categories but the ability to do so now escapes me. I could, of course, rip open the site’s box and delve into the html but I mean it’s not in the handy dandy tools provided by Blogger to me and to anyone else. Which, really, is all I’m concentrating on at the moment. Once I open up the inner workings of this thing to tinker with I’m going to be a while as I’ll get wrapped up in making things exactly as I want them. So, I’m avoiding that and just using what I can pick off the shelf, so to speak. It’s constantly amazing to me just how much the tools available for blogging have improved since the last time I looked into starting one – about a few years ago. So, I’m not too bad off, in other words.

Although I’ve written plenty (though less than the last time around as I’m still getting back into the groove here) nothing really stands out as excellent. So, either everything I’ve written is awful or it’s all excellent for my standards. I’ll pick the later today. If you really must have something pointed out to you, though, well…

  • There’s plenty about my novel under the category NaNoWriMo. I haven’t exactly finished the thing just yet – as I heard a piece of advice that the best thing to do now is to not touch it for a while and come back with a different perspective – and I’m not about to any time soon but there’s some excerpts, samples, and general information about what I was so consumed with.
  • I’ve opened up the Electric Avenue to traffic for discuss video games, gaming in general, and all things electronic. There’s some good stuff in there, if I’m any judge of my own work – which I’m not, really, but I do like it.
  • Also, my current project – designing a card game from the ground up – can be found under the Card Stock tag. Not quite sure where I’m heading with this one but hopefully the scenery will be nice.
  • The essay entitled Post-Industrial Strength Blogging deserves a repost, I think.

As for the future, well, tomorrow I’ve got a bunch of people coming out to the house for various “stop this place from falling down around my ears” reasons. So, I’m not sure just how much work, so to speak, I’ll be able to get done – I’m really the sort of person who needs a cabin out in the woods – metaphorically – to write as I hate being interrupted. I’m probably going to take it easy and just crash on a few boards but you never know.

Auto Assault Update: Today, I played the game for an hour or two and nearly fell asleep during. So, yeah, I’m not exactly feeling the majesty of the gaming experience at the moment. Just not much fun and way, way too much grind. Did manage to eke out another level but my understanding’s that I’m stuck in newbie hell for a long, long time at my current rate. No real good leveling guide has appeared before my eyes although I did find some information on crafting – which would be great if I was actually going to spend my time doing that.

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