Monday, December 18, 2006

The Colbert Maneuver

Hate to say it but, well, I called it.

Check out this press release announcing that Guild Wars has sold over three million copies to date. Which, you know, typical PR boilerplate, really. But buried at the bottom – where it usually is located – is the good stuff. Apparently, there's going to be some updates to the game. That's one of the good things about Guild Wars, I think, the developers are generally very responsive to the playerbase and aren't afraid of drastically altering things by implementing improvements. The reconnection feature's one that's been clamored for since day one, really, so it's nice to see it's finally been added. But what caught my eye was the new party system. Details are scant at this point but, well, look at what I wrote here.

Down at the bottom.

Might take you awhile but don't worry, I can wait.


Okay, better grouping was one of the three things I said would have me playing Guild Wars again. I probably didn't come up with the same exact solution that's going to be put in place (My idea not having to, you know, actually work means it is, of course, better) but the basic idea if not the thinking behind it is the same. Oh, they're not getting me back that easily, mind, because they're still missing an auction house and player driven content. But, well, considering the last time I played the game was shortly after the release of the last expansion it's nice to see that my evaluation of what was wrong with the game wasn't all that far off. And that my concerns are being slowly but steadily addressed.

Because, well, if there's one thing I've tried to do through the various board warring I've engaged in, it's not to advocate for myself so much as to try and improve conditions for everyone. I know it's a bit disingenuous to claim such selflessness in so grandiose a manner but, well, it's the truth. It's not really selfless, though, it's selfish. I'm part (Or was, at one point) of the group of people playing the game. So by looking out for them I'm looking out for myself. A rising tide lifts all boats and all that. And the more people who are happy with the game the more people I have to play it with. And the more who'll be urging for the changes the game needs to make before I can really enjoy it.

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