Friday, February 9, 2007

Rudy For President? Well, At Least He Has a Ready-Made Slogan

You know, it's looking like Rudy Giuliani is the frontrunner for the Republicon nomination (And, you know, this is crucial information to discuss because the election isn't for another year and a half yet.). And I couldn't be happier. I almost feel like rooting him on. Not because I hope he wins or I'm hoping for an all-NY presidential campaign (and rehash of a Senate battle that never was) or anything. But because I expect him to flame out spectacularly in the general election.

For starters, I don't think the average voters shares the grotesque fetishism of September 11th that the average Rebuplicon lockstepper has. Sure, Rudy managed to stand at a podium and all but does that really qualify him to be President? I really hope not. For all our sakes. Add to that that he left plenty of people in New York who absolutely hate him (Although let's not forget his attempt to suspend election and assume emergency powers in the wake of the disaster - it did happen shortly before the elections but I think we've had just about enough of that cavalier attitude towards our system of government in the Oval Office – Giuliani wasn't doing very well. But he was term limited, on his way into the history books and his handpicked successor was headed to an easy defeat on September the 10th. He's ghoulishly built his current position on the backs of that September tragedy.) And that's important because New York is the newsmedia capitol. The people making and reporting the news have had a good, long, upclose look at Mr. Giuliani. So, hit pieces or attempts to correct the record – depending on your point of view - like this one are going to be par for the course.

But, no, the real reason I'm excited about the prospect is that Rudy is the Republicon Dean. He's crazy. Batshit crazy. And I don't care how protected and covered by the right-wing noise machine he is, it's eventually going to tell (Just, you know, hopefully before the election.). But, like Dean, he's going to be lifted by a wave of right-wing support, from people sick of the status quo, and people who think he'll stand a chance in the general election and are willing to ignore his unpalatable stands on the core social issues that have driven the unholy Republicon coalition these many years. All of whom are going to be ignoring the warning signs and glossing over the cracks in a horribly flawed candidate. I'm just convinced that he's going to wither under the glare of a national election. And it's going to be wonderful to watch.

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