Tuesday, February 27, 2007


So much for finding a middle ground and squeezing in some blogging, eh?

Well, the month is drawing to a close and unless I somehow can crank out 40 odd posts tomorrow, it looks like I'm going to fall short of my 100 post goal...post... Dammit! Ah well, it looked like I'd get there at one point but I've been wrapped up in other things. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed but it's about setting goals and the road towards them, not necessarily reaching them.

Studying for various tests continues apace. It looks like the next Celestial Tournament match for OoX is going to happen Thursday rather than tomorrow. Which is a load off of my mind because I have this pesky little math thing to take care of before hand. And jumping from pouring my brains out onto the page (Or, really, a scantron form.) then right into high-end GvG would be lurching, I'm sure. I need time to unwind after all that stress and my pre-game jitters would no doubt influence my test taking prowess.

Again, I'm not very worried about this test. If it's anything like the last one, it'll be a breeze. For me, anyway. Although I'll admit I haven't been studying quite as hard this time around. Last time I was overprepared but it took basically shutting down everything else for a few days. This time, I'm shooting to get comfortably familiar with the material and to take my sweet time with scratching at things during the test. We'll see how that goes but I'm pretty confident at the moment.

Well, as confident as I get anyway.

Lots more to talk about, of course, but it's time to hop on GW and get some practice time in.

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