Wednesday, April 16, 2008

NFL Blogging: Schedule Breaker

The only thing you need to know about the Lions' schedule (Which was just released the other day) is that they have no nationally televised games. Not outside of the traditional Thanksgiving Day match which I'm sure the networks would love to strip away if they could. Or Ford didn't dump millions in advertising revenue in their laps.

What this tells you is that the people who's daily bread depends on making sure enough eyeballs are on the screen when those games are on think the Lions aren't very interesting. In other words, not going to be very good. Blood sworn oaths of "We're going to get 10 wins this year. Really. Honest! We double pinky swore and everything" notwithstanding.

The Lions won't be for real until they start appearing in Monday and Sunday night games again - which they haven't for years now.

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