Friday, May 18, 2007

This Is What Happens When Republicans Run the Country

My jaw is still unhinged about the Comey testimony. I mean, you have the “if Ashcroft's stomach was turning” factor. And the keystone cops story of the hospital visit gets more and more bizarre the more I learn about it. But, on top of all that, you have the president refusing to answer questions about whether he arranged the whole thing. No one's flat out said it yet, but as I read Comey's testimony, it seems awfully clear that the president was the one on the phone to Mr. Ashcroft's wife. And, at the very least, the whole sordid affair happened with his approval.

Mr. Greenwald's piece at Salon should, as Atrios said, be required reading at this point for anyone who doubts that there's serious, criminal wrong-doing here. And the sorriest failure of all is that of big media. They've only now just woken up. It's about damn time, really, but it's not the time for looking at the actions and inactions of the press in bringing us to our present state. It's the time to press them into getting to the bottom of this. And seeing just how far up the rot goes.

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