Sunday, November 12, 2006


Hi and welcome to my blog. It's pretty small right now as this is my first post but, well, everything starts from something that's not nothing. And here I am making my first post. And, believe me, that's not nothing for me.

In the days and weeks to come I hope to fill this blog with, well, stuff. I don't talk a lot but when I do talk I tend to have something to say. And I've come to understand that people find that interesting. So I'll talk about this, I'll talk about that, I'll ramble, I'll go off on tangents, I'll post a little bit, and then I'll come back and post a lot. Because when I have something to say it takes me a while to get it out there in a way that people can understand. That's why I don't talk a lot. But I can type and type and type for hours on end.

But I'm trying to change, well, a lot of things. So if I can't talk I'm going to type. Just different ways of doing the same thing, after all. You might have to take the scenic route and ramble around a little bit, but you get where you're going just the same. And right now I'm going to take that small step of making my first post. Because everything starts with a single step away from what it once was. That's the glory of evolution, after all.



pulkit said...

Nice blog there...I almost read quite a bit of it...

Sausaletus Rex said...

Thanks for the appreciation. It means a lot to me (Sorry, I'm a bit down today because someone I didn't even know has died).

I see your own blog is a bit barren at the moment or I'd toss you a link, so, take it from me, getting started is just the first step and it's easier than you think. Take your first step then take another and another and another. Looking at the stuff on Technorati it's shocking just how little one has to do to be a "successful" blog these days so...

You know what? I'm sorry I just can't do this, not today, way too upset, and it's really nothing to do with anything but my own little world collapsing. I wrote about this stuff, well, all yesterday but if you want some of the resources I found for bloggers check out the post "Testing my Google Fu" on your right.

In short: Start a blog. Post. Don't worry too much about what you post just that you are day in and day out. Build up a reputation for, well, something. And let viral marketing take care of the rest. Oh, and have fun doing it.