Sunday, August 12, 2007

Awk, I'm Bad At This

Sorry for the latest unexplained lapse in blogging. By now you should be used to it but I'll proffer an excuse or two anyways. For one, I've been hard at work on my script. Which, I'll admit, hasn't been going as well as I'd have liked. I think I'm trying to compress it too much, to think about each line and word and the significance of every little piece in service of the larger whole. And that's just bogging me down as I'll write and rewrite and rewrite and polish and change and alter when I'd probably be better off to just press on and get the damn thing done. Worry about getting it perfect in the next revision, that sort of thing.

Also, I've been busy with impromptu celebrations for my brother, the one who just graduated from UofM, who's moving out to California. He's gotten a job for some kind of environmental agency or at least a company that works for them. Something like that. He had, at one point, so many job offers in so many corners of the country (And none of them, I'll note, in our home state of Michigan.) that I've lost track. Anyway, he'll be driving across country – riding Route 66, the whole works – sometime this week. He's already gotten an apartment, which he'll be sharing with a friend who's also going to work nearby, in the amusingly named but surprisingly affluent Rancho Cucamonga, only a few miles from where he's working and spitting distance from LA. It's like kismet. Everything fell into place for him in a matter of days and it's taken us all a bit off-guard. Not only have we been rushing around trying to get him packed up and all the dozens of piddling little details that are involved in a cross-country move taken care of, we've also been trying to pack in years of celebrations and gatherings into a single weekend, just as we've been trying to pack some good old home cooking into his mouth. Needless to say, I've been a bit busy.

If you'll pardon the navel gazing, though, it's all gotten me a bit depressed. My brother's gotten a fine job and is moving on. My sister, too. My other brother's starting college in the fall. Cousins are moving away to New York, to Chicago or coming back from trips to Africa or Spain or China. And me? Well, I'm still here, grinding my gears and trying to figure out what to do. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for all of them, it's just I wonder how they've done it so I can follow along, somehow.

I suspect, though, that none of them got where they are by spending time in front of their computers, blogging up a storm.

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