Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Guild Wars: Random Thought of the Day

You know, this disguise thing makes for a sneaky way to get templates back in the game. You head to an NPC, you ask to change into a disguise and, poof, you become some NPC will a pre-selected skill bar guaranteed not to be completely awful. Given how the devs handled the Costume Brawl builds they, of course, cannot be entrusted with coming up with decent stuff. But the basic idea of giving new players a serviceable guide for where to start could be achieved.


Lemming said...

I'm not gonna lie; that's an amazing idea.

Sausaletus Rex said...

I love you Lemming.

No, it's an idea that might actually have occurred already. The wonderful rumor/speculation going around is that the CB is somewhat of a test bed for an Arena style of combat in GW2. Now that you can save your templates, all you need is one format where you have the disguises, players can grab them and take them elsewhere effectively pumping premade templates into the game.

You'd need a lot more than what's offered at the CB, of course, a few different builds and archetypes for each class. But it's within striking distance of being feasible - although given that GW2 will be a completely different game with different standard builds which will take some time to develop, the first disguise templates might be Snowman awful. Abominable misfires, in other words, that sour people on the whole concept. So, as usual, the trick to making a better premade system is in how you come up with builds that the majority of people will find useful and will stand the test of time without devoting a massive amount of time and effort into it.