Friday, September 7, 2007

Do You Use Your Pointy Nipples As Telescopic Antennae To Transmit Data Back to Earth?

Bowie? Are you there Bowie? This is Bowie calling Bowie. God damn, but I love the Conchords. I already posted this once before but it's just too awesome.

Really in a cynical mood tonight. Reading up on politics will do that to you, I guess. Seems like Senator Craig is back out of the Senate after floating the idea of a return yesterday. I could, really, care less about the man himself because he's the worst kind of hypocrite, the one who has to make everyone else pay for his own failings. I'm just interested in breaking out the popcorn and watching the conservative movement collapse under their own weight. And, of course, the tactical concerns about the upcoming Iraq report which is apparently going to fix world hunger and usher in a new golden age of haberdashery and equestrian sports. My opinion on it, in case I'm too busy seeing someone about the sudden onset of substance abuse is that it's not really Patreus's report, he merely gathered the data. The White House had a big role in writing it. Which, if you ask me, is a little like letting students grade their own term papers. But it's not exactly the first time the Bush administration has tried to twist the rules to their own advantage.

Anyhow, we seem to be exponentially increasing the content around here. If this keep up, by the end of the month, I'll be posting 256 times in a twelve hour span. Something has to give soon and I'm pretty sure it's my mental health. So, enjoy it while it lasts, I'll burn myself out sooner or later.

First, though, I want to burn through the backlog of GW:EN posts I started over the preview weekend. Which was, by now, two weeks ago so, yeah, I'm slow. I'm mostly done, at this point, unless a particular tangent catches my interest. All that's left are the guides, the big huge list post that take forever to write and format to my satisfaction. Oh, and my review which is taking me way too long. I guess it's hard to figure out how to write “why oh why isn't this game good anymore?” You know, in an interesting way.

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