Friday, September 21, 2007

Combo Breaker

I know it looks like I've run out of steam but I was actually working on my script all day. When I wasn't, you konw, going to class, working, eating, taking care of basic biological necessities, and whatever else seems to eat up the hours of the day.

I wanted to get some good headway into it because it's time for another weekend off. This week, it's another family reunion. Seems like we have them every month but you have to understand, I have a huge family. We have to meet every so often or else we'd forget who everyone is. But, tomorrow's a travel day for me, as I head back to the homelands. I shall be back and hopefully ready to kick out some more posts shortly.

Until then, let's see....

GW:EN. Still sucks.

Politics...incredibly depressing.

Lions, surprisingly good.

Tigers, dead to me.

Red Wings, starting their exhibition season.

Wolverines on track for a national title unless we're talking about the Bizarro version. In which case I....actually like their chances against Penn State tomorrow. They're the best team in the Big Ten this year but that's like saying they're the brightest kid in the special ed class. They get the gold star but not a lot of credit.

1 comment:

gw2 gold said...

Wolverines auf Kurs für einen nationalen Titel, wenn wir über die Bizarro-Version reden. In diesem Fall I. ... eigentlich wie ihre Chancen gegen Penn State morgen. Sie sind das beste Team in der Big Ten in diesem Jahr, aber das ist wie wenn man sagt, sie sind der hellste Kind in der Sonderschule Klasse. Sie bekommen den goldenen Stern, aber nicht viel Kredit.gw2 gold
wow gold