Monday, April 9, 2007


Like most liberals I've been disgusted by the treatment of Speaker Pelosi and her trip to Syria at the hands of the noise machine and chattering classes. But, the slings and arrows of the opposition and the media “elites” they've somehow managed to cow into submission are only to be expected. However, as you might have noticed I read the TPM quite regularly. It's an excellent website, I feel. Where a place like DailyKos has built itself into the ultimate message board, the combination of journalism and opinion flowing from the TPM is at once getting back to the broadsheets roots of newspapers and pointing to a possible direction for that fading medium. In any event, they generally have interesting opinion pieces posted by all manner of people. This, however, has to rank among the worst. What annoys me so much is not the message but the messenger. The author is a Democratic consultant arguing for a maintenance of the status quo, and the continuation of the imperial presidency – a concept which certainly predates Mr. Bush and has never been a good one. But more than that, he's feeding right into the hands of the conservative noise machine by detracting from what should be a glorious moment for not only Democrats but democracy. I would expect I'll have more to say about this eventually but for now, I'm too choked with rage.

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