Thursday, September 13, 2007

I'm So Tired, I Can't Think Of A Title

Wow, I am just posting up a storm lately, aren't I? At present pace we're set to just shatter through past benchmarks. I'm even more impressed since I've basically been taking the weekends off (A policy I think I'm going to continue.) and there are days where I've been completely silent. Still haven't managed to finish all my GW:EN Sneak Peak posts, though, which is annoying.

I'd like to say it's rearranging my little den here which has improved the feng shui but I kinda doubt it since I broke more than a few rules doing so.

Maybe it's the fact that I checked the statistics on my RSS feed and did the math. And realized that there are people reading this outside of family, close associates, and automated processes. I don't exactly do this for the fame and fortune and you can number those people on one hand, I'm sure, but, still, it's always nice to feel appreciated.

More likely, I've been anxious. I've noticed I tend to post a lot when I have nervous energy to burn. Anyhow, off to work on my script some. I'm slightly behind there, too. I don't believe I've mentioned it but the plan was to have a post here for every day I've worked on the thing. That would at least get my pen moving and thinking about it. I've worked on it nearly every day so, by my count, I'm some nine posts behind. It's not as bad as it seems because I have a lot of material sitting in the queue, I just have to write the posts that set it up first. Meanwhile, as for the actual script, I'm not getting much text done but I'm nearing the point where all the kinks should be worked out and I can start churning it out. I have my fingers crossed that I'll actually get it done this month.


Anonymous said...

Wewt 4 me, I'm one of the few people that can be counted on 1 hand! Yes, I'll admit it, I'm a subscriber to your blog - It's on my Google main page, right next to GW Game Updates, and GW News.

I think I came across your blog a few weeks ago while researching something GW-related on Google, and your link popped up. I read the most recent post, (which was a GW:EN preview weekend rant) and I was like, "I can really relate to what this guy is talking about". I read a few more posts about various topics and decided to subscribe...

Enough of my BSing, but umm - Keep up the quality ramblings Rex!

Sausaletus Rex said...
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Sausaletus Rex said...

Blargh. Let's try that again and press the Preview button instead of the Publish one this time!

Anyhow, thank you for the kind words. Glad someone out there appreciates the rambling.

The GW:EN preview really seems to have attracted people, so you're not the only one. Those and the related GW stuff does, in fact, seem to be among the more popular stuff here. Proving, once again, that Guild Wars drives content around here and I should really stop pretending that I blog about anything else except as a break from my single-minded obsession.

Lemming said...

lol gw

Sausaletus Rex said...

Oh man, I'm not sure whether to be happy I have another comment or concerned that it's from Lemming. :P

Lemming said...

Well, I (basically) stopped reading your blog when you stopped posting about GW. Then I log back on and see around 943274297 GW posts in the last week. :P

I'm just a little bored at the moment - my laptop crapped out and refuses to run anything 3D anymore, so I'm suffering from withdrawal a bit.

Sausaletus Rex said...

Now I'm definitely inclined towards the latter.

No, no, I kid because I hate you.

And it's not just ninety bazillion GW posts in the past few weeks, it's ninety bazillion posts about everything. It's like I have free time, or something.

y laptop crapped out and refuses to run anything 3D anymore

Yeah, I've been there and it sucks. Going cold turkey because of the whims of the gods of electronics just isn't fun. And getting that new vid card or system just isn't practical sometimes.

But, don't worry, we'll be busy having the fun you can't have, so it's all good. For everyone but you.