Friday, September 14, 2007

Mental Gears Grinding

Wait, the point of the war is something other than establishing permanent military bases to safeguard a fungible resource we don't really need to protect?

I've long believe that keeping us in this quagmire is the endgoal of Cheney and his neo-con, chaos hawk crones (Huh, that's an auspicious typo.). There's something about an apocalyptic showdown with China over oil on the sands of the middle east in there but I can't get past the parts about eating the livers of the stillborn to remain young. I think Mr. Bush is more wrapped up in the idea of his legacy, that he can't be wrong, and that he was put on this earth to spread “freedom” by killing as many brown people as possible. The point, though, is that these people are fundamentally wrong. They've been wrong (Or at least lied through their teeth) about everything up to this point and we have to get the direction of our national security out of their hands by any means necessary.

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