Friday, September 14, 2007

This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things

As always, and as always hotly denied, everything in Iraq revolves around oil. From the fight over oil-rich territories to control to the squabble over revenue sharing which led to the latest impass amongst the Iraq parliamentarians, it all leads back to that sweet Texas Heroin to which we're so addicted. And, hey, you want to know why that parliament failed to reach a political reconciliation facilitating agreement? The free fucking market forces of American businesses making illegal deals (Behind the subscription wall so here's another link.) Gambling on the break-up of Iraq into three semi-autonomous regions, apparently. This deal doesn't happen without the tacit approval of the US Government, of course. There's just no way. Just...argh. Time to dust off the Lloyd Bridges Memorial Award again because it looks like I picked the wrong week to stop taking anti-depressants. Yes, that's right, looks like we need someone to combat the Neocylon menace.

Seriously. What the hell are we doing over there?

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