Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Sorry for the light day of blogging but I started a new class tonight and it's just sapped away all my energy.

Or maybe it's the return of the OJ think. I agree. The only people who give a shit about this are the half-dead news directors with erectile dysfunction who need a good scandal to get it up. But, no, this is going to swirl for months, eating up time that could be spent dealing with actual issues.

Anyhow, off now to work on my script. Hopefully, I'll have more to say tomorrow.

1 comment:

gw2 gold said...

Also wow!! Super leistung kann ich nur sagen! Nach einem kleinen fehler von mir war der Support schnell für mich da und wir haben das geregelt. denn ging alles ganz schnell und bin super zufrieden! Immer wieder gerne
wow gold