Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Man, It Was Nice Out

Can't say I'm over this weekend's unpleasantness just yet. I'll be fine and then some stray memory will send me tipping over into sadness all over again. But today was a rare break in the weather. And while we weren't getting the 90 degree sauna blast that some areas were, we had a day of pleasantly unseasonable warmth. It doesn't seem like it's going to last but while it was here, I decided to take advantage of it rather than stay in my gloomy cave and mourn again. Or, you know, blog.

So, took the dog for a walk. Went to the park. Spent some time reading outside with a tasty beverage. That sort of thing. It was nice. Weird, but nice.

Anyhow, while I might have missed the last round of the tournament, I'm feeling like I'll be up for the next one. If the pattern holds, the pairing's should be released sometime tomorrow. And we should have it in the books by Friday. So, time to get practicing.

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