Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I Can’t Help Myself

What’s that you say? Over at Ragnell’s place there’s another meme wave to ride? Well, you know what that means.

Join me, then, if you will for a terrifying glimpse into the life of the common man just trying to go through their average life….IN THE DCU!!! (Insert ominous thundercrash here.)

At least, I’m pretty sure it’s the DCU. I don’t actually recognize the comic where the panel’s from. I’m sure I just lost a whole bunch of geek cred saying that. If I had to guess, though, I’d say Manhunter but, well, for all I know it could be DMZ.

Anyhow, not too happy with this one. The lettering's all sucky. But I'm still learning to use Inkscape and, well, it shows. Been way too long since I used a vector graphics editor (always been more comfortable with the bitmaps - why, I have no idea because it means I have to brute force everything but, eh, don't get me started because I'm still trying to lose geek cred here.) and I've forgotten how, it seems. (I mean to get around to it eventually but quick review on Inkscape: Cool. Fully usable through the keyboard. Great interactive tutorials. Some funky stuff I'm still getting used to, though. Definite keeper.) Oh well, that's what practice is for.

Special limited edition “My letterer hates me” foil enhanced director’s cut:

Creepy dude with Book: ... // Naked Guy in Towel: Oh god. I've teleported out into the hallways and there's a faintly bemused person with soullessly black eyes and a large book standing behind me, isn't there? I swear, every time I get in the shower it never fails.

Rejected lines:

CDWB: And, as you can see, the new back wax-o-matic – now available in this handy book shaped carrying case - leaves a beautiful finish in half the time of a regular razor or chemical peel. // NGIT: There has to be a better way of seeing this than with the mirrors on the ceiling.

CDWB: Sir, if I might trouble you for a moment of your time but have you considered Thor as your personal savior? // NGIT: *Sigh* I say thee nay, soapy joe.

(Special DCU branded alternative!) CDWB: Sir, if I might trouble you for a moment of your time but have you accepted Superman as your personal savior? // NGIT: *Sigh* Bizarro me am super glad you asked and am not going to walk away at all.

CDWB: Pants burglar? // NGIT: Pants burglar. At least I had an emergency towel this time.

CDWB: What are you doing? // NGIT: Looking for the fourth wall, it's around here somewhere.

Edited to add: Crap! Kevin won. Yeah, this one's getting buried...

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